This last episode of the year features guest conductor, developer, and all around web fun project guy Robb Knight. We talk about projects, the why of it all, keeping things fun, and most importantly, not chasing fame.
This last episode of the year features guest conductor, developer, and all around web fun project guy Robb Knight.
We talk about projects, the why of it all, keeping things fun, and most importantly, not chasing fame.
- Robb ✅ - Ready for the new Knight to join the roundtable
- Jay ✅ - Scheduled 5 days aside from holidays
Keep sending those MyConduit Connections to us on Discord and through Feedback!
- Robb - Make Mean Girls website
- Jay - Getting a release of my project out
Pre-Show: Orienting Robb to the show.
Post-Show: An episode of AskaBrit where I asked Robb about car culture in the UK