We've all heard how important digital accessibility is, at this point. But how does one get started with this complex topic? Let's cover all the techy basics! Software accessibility is important, we all know that by now. In the past years while working as an accessibility consultant, many people have asked me the very same question: How do I get started with this? I'm overwhelmed by all the different resources! Heck, I can't find anything useful! In all fairness, I get you. There's so much fuzz surrounding this. Social workers will feel right at home because of this, but frankly, for us techies, it just doesn't work that way. We would like to know what to do precisely, or at least dive deeper into a topic on our own terms. In this talk, I would like to give a brief overview over what's important only for programmers and where you can educate yourself further. We can do this together! Licensed to the public under http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 about this event: https://events.ccc.de/congress/2024/hub/event/software-accessibility-without-the-fuzz/