The CineSportsTalk Podcast Network   /     Unsportsmanlike Conduct Ep 104: Tua’s Concussion & Week 2 NFL Picks


Welcome to Episode 104 of "Unsportsmanlike Conduct," where your favorite trio—Farace, Tim, and Anthony—are back for a special Saturday morning edition. The big question: Will Dave make it, or has the call of the weekend sleep-in claimed another victim? First up on the docket, we’ll be discussing Tua’s latest concussion. Farace will likely provide an in-depth analysis that may or may not be based on actual medical knowledge, while Tim chimes in with facts only loosely related to the topic at hand. Anthony, ever the straight shooter, will attempt to keep things on track—but we all know how that usually goes. Then, it’s on to the real fun—Week 2 NFL picks! Farace will predict with the same confidence he uses to pick his fantasy football team, while Tim’s strategy will likely involve some questionable logic and an intense focus on which team's uniforms are better. Anthony, as always, will quietly remind everyone that he’s the only one with a winning track record... until he’s not. And let’s not forget—this is happening on a Saturday morning. The real drama is whether or not Dave will roll out of bed in time to join the fun. The odds? About as good as Tim nailing a perfect pick. Join us for Episode 104, where NFL picks, Tua’s health, and the mystery of Dave’s alarm clock all come together for another round of barely-organized sports talk. #Tua #NFL #PopCulturePros

Publishing date
2024-09-14 04:02