Unboxing Agile   /     #142 - Scrum Master Prüfungsvorbereitung mit Kim Berger


Alle, die Scrum Master oder Product Owner werden wollen und mehr über die Prüfung erfahren wollen, kommen in dieser Folge voll auf ihre Kosten. Ich bespreche mit Kim Berger über die verschiedenen Möglichkeiten der Scrum Zertifizierung und wir pauken mit euch ein bisschen. Perfekte Prüfungsvorbereitung für Selbstlerner, perfekter Einstieg für alle, die sich mal erkundigen wollen, was so ein Zertifikat denn genau ist. Viel Spaß beim Hören und beim Pauken :) Fragebogen zum Herunterladen: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ej8ugbzidef1ygjn0dez4/Scrum-Testfragen.pdf?rlkey=163fxef6erngr8hyt1n8lwmam&st=9s0jdbk4&dl=0 Probefragen, die wir besprechen: What are three ways Scum promotes self-management? (Choose the best three answers) A, B, D A - By removing titles from Scrum Team members. B - By being a lightweight framework. C - By having the Scrum Master protect the Scrum Team from interruptions. D - By the Scrum team deciding what work to do in a Sprint Several Sprints into a project, the Product Owner tells the Scrum Master that a key stakeholder just started using the product. The stakeholder is unhappy with the quality of the product, and the Product Owner agrees with the stakeholders assessment that the quality is low. How should the Scrum Master respond to the Product Owner? B, C A - Explain to the Product Owner that it is up to the Developers to decide on acceptable quality standards B - Encourage the Product Owner to include quality specifications in the Product Backlog and to communicate the stakeholders concerns to the developers C - Work with the Product Owner to understand their desired resolution and help formulate an approach for raising the concern with the Developers D - Bring the concern to the testers to improve how the Product is verified E - Tell the Product Owner they have noted the concern and will raise this issue at the Sprint Retrospective When does a Developer become accountable for an item in the Sprint Backlog? (Choose the best answer) C A - At Sprint Planning when all of the Sprint Backlog items are split evenly across the Developers B - During the Daily Scrum C - Never. All Developers on the Scrum Team share accountablility for items in the Sprint Backlog D - As soon as a Developer oh the Scrum Team can accommodate more work An increment must be released to customers or users at the end of each sprint True False

Unboxing New Work - dein Podcast rund um die neue Arbeitswelt
Publishing date
2025-01-25 05:00
  David Hillmer


Unboxing New Work - dein Podcast rund um die neue Arbeitswelt

Alle, die Scrum Master oder Product Owner werden wollen und mehr über die Prüfung erfahren wollen, kommen in dieser Folge voll auf ihre Kosten. Ich bespreche mit Kim Berger über die verschiedenen Möglichkeiten der Scrum Zertifizierung und wir pauken mit euch ein bisschen. Perfekte Prüfungsvorbereitung für Selbstlerner, perfekter Einstieg für alle, die sich mal erkundigen wollen, was so ein Zertifikat denn genau ist.

Viel Spaß beim Hören und beim Pauken :)

Fragebogen zum Herunterladen

Probefragen, die wir besprechen: What are three ways Scum promotes self-management? (Choose the best three answers) A, B, D A - By removing titles from Scrum Team members. B - By being a lightweight framework. C - By having the Scrum Master protect the Scrum Team from interruptions. D - By the Scrum team deciding what work to do in a Sprint Several Sprints into a project, the Product Owner tells the Scrum Master that a key stakeholder just started using the product. The stakeholder is unhappy with the quality of the product, and the Product Owner agrees with the stakeholders assessment that the quality is low. How should the Scrum Master respond to the Product Owner? B, C A - Explain to the Product Owner that it is up to the Developers to decide on acceptable quality standards B - Encourage the Product Owner to include quality specifications in the Product Backlog and to communicate the stakeholders concerns to the developers C - Work with the Product Owner to understand their desired resolution and help formulate an approach for raising the concern with the Developers D - Bring the concern to the testers to improve how the Product is verified E - Tell the Product Owner they have noted the concern and will raise this issue at the Sprint Retrospective When does a Developer become accountable for an item in the Sprint Backlog? (Choose the best answer) C A - At Sprint Planning when all of the Sprint Backlog items are split evenly across the Developers B - During the Daily Scrum C - Never. All Developers on the Scrum Team share accountablility for items in the Sprint Backlog D - As soon as a Developer oh the Scrum Team can accommodate more work An increment must be released to customers or users at the end of each sprint True False