Judge John Hodgman   /     Cavy-at Emptor


Are guinea pigs good pets? Scarlett thinks so! They desperately want a guinea pig. But their wife, Morrigan, is opposed! She says that the couple's two dogs are more than enough pets for one home. Who's right? Who's wrong?

Are guinea pigs good pets? Scarlett thinks so! They desperately want a guinea pig. But their wife, Morrigan, is opposed! She says that the couple's two dogs are more than enough pets for one home. Who's right? Who's wrong?
Publishing date
2025-01-29 16:00
  maximumfun.org, Judge John Hodgman


Are guinea pigs good pets? Scarlett thinks so! They desperately want a guinea pig. But their wife, Morrigan, is opposed! She says that the couple's two dogs are more than enough pets for one home. Who's right? Who's wrong?

Don't miss that classic Kasper Hauser sketch "Mundo de Perros!" Check it out at bit.ly/MUNDODEPERROS.

Thanks to our generous audience and followers, Jesse and Theresa’s fundraising goal for Al Otro Lado keeps going up! Visit alotrolado.org/letsdosomething to do something helpful for migrants at the US-Mexico border. And thank you to everyone who has donated so far!

Tickets are still available for most of the West Coast Road Court dates. Go to maximumfun.org/events for links and more! We are on TikTok and YouTube! Follow us on both @judgejohnhodgmanpod! Follow us on Instagram @judgejohnhodgman.

Thanks to reddit user u/dAmbitiousFactor715 for naming this week’s case! To suggest a title for a future episode, keep an eye on the Maximum Fun subreddit at reddit.com/r/maximumfun!

Judge John Hodgman: Road Court is happening NOW! Get your tickets at maximumfun.org/events.