The Africa Charter for Transformative Research Collaboration, launched in July 2023 in Windhoek, Namibia, is an Africa-centred framework for establishing a transformative mode of research collaborations. Co-created by Africa’s major Higher Education constituencies, the Charter is a major collective effort to address the power imbalances in the global science system and its major effects on international politics and economics. End of 2024 the Berlin University Alliance signed the Africa Charta, starting a new chapter of cooperation with the "Global South."
In this episode, the journalist Kevin Caners discusses with Professor Isabella Aboderin, initiator of the Africa Charta, the reasons and effects of the global power imbalances in knowledge production, how the Africa Charta came into being and how universities and research institutions can develop a road map to put equitable research partnerships step by step into practice. “The Berlin University Alliance has the potential to play a pioneering role in fostering the discourse and work around the transformative collaborations with Africa in the German space”, she states.
Professor Isabella Aboderin is Chair in Africa Research and Partnerships and Director of the Perivoli Africa Research Institute (PARC), Professor of Gerontology in the School for Policy Studies at the University of Bristol, and Speaker of the Advisory Board of the Berlin Center for Global Engagement at the BUA. Her research and engagement focus on the nature and need for transformation in Africa-global North research relations, issues of ageing, and intergenerational relations and care in African contexts.
Prof. Isabella Aboderin, Chair in Africa Research and Partnerships and Director of the Perivoli Africa Research Institute (PARC), Professor of Gerontology in the School for Policy Studies at the University of Bristol