My Very Personal Guidance and Strategies to Protect Network Edge Devices A quick summary to help you secure edge devices. This may be a bit opinionated, but these are the strategies that I find work and are actionable. PostgreSQL SQL Injection A followup to yesterday's segment about the PostgreSQL vulnerability. Rapid7 released a Metasploit module to exploit the vulnerability. Ivanti Connect Secure Exploited The Japanese CERT observed exploitation of January's Connect Secure vulnerability WinZip Vulnerability WinZip patched a buffer overflow vulenrability that may be triggered by malicious 7Z files Xerox Printer Patch Xerox patched two vulnerabililites in its enterprise multifunction printers that may be exploited for lateral movement.
Daily 5 min cyber security news summary. News, patches, vulnerabilities and trends in information and network security. SANS Stormcast: Securing the Edge; PostgreSQL Exploit; Ivanti Exploit; WinZip Vulnerablity; Xerox Patch