Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: What Does This Terminator Robot Smell Like? Edition with Jessica Freeburg! This Week, A 200 foot asteroid has a 2 in 83 chance in hitting the Earth! We tell you all about it! A Man kills his wife after a paranormal meter tells him his wife may eat him! The Alaska Triangle claims ten more victims after a missing plane is found! And, A Medieval toilet leads to discovery of Anglo-Saxon king's long-lost palace! Get your tickets for Missouri Paracon 2025 THIS WEEKEND here: https://www.missouriparacon.com/ A Dad sees a Ghostly Figure On Camera Directly after work! Check out the video here ! https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/dad-chill-spine-returning-work-34718181# Get a good look at your future Lord and masters!! May we introduce... https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/384664/creepy-synthetic-human-protoclone-is-another-step-toward-the-t-800 Scientists have discovered a new mysterious form of energy powering the Egyptian Pyramids! Find out what it is here: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-14418641/ancient-pyramids-egypt-scientists-detect-energy-form.html Order the three new books from Jessica here: https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ and check out Jess on Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@jessicafreeburgwrites There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store! https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ #paranormal #supernatural #paranormalpodcasts #darknessradio #timdennis #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor #supernaturalnews #parashare #ghosts #spirits #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #supernaturalsex #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters #Psychics #tarot #ouija #Aliens #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman #artificialintelligence #AI #NASA #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience