Education Talk Radio   /     Making the Science of Reading Stick with Dr. Jocelyn Washburn — Transformative Principal

Publishing date
2025-02-27 05:00


To celebrate EduTalk Radio joining the Be Podcast Network, we're sharing episodes from other network shows. Today is a conversation from Transformative Principal, between host Jethro Jones and Dr. Jocelyn Washburn, an associate director of the Center for Research on Learning at the University of Kansas. 

The episode covers:

  • SIM is an approach to instruction that focuses on teaching students strategies for learning. In short, SIM emphasizes HOW to learn.
  • Learning strategies (explicit instruction) and content enhancement (teacher guided learning) strategies, Cue, Do, Review
  • SIM is designed for teachers in middle and high school
  • SIM Paraphrasing activity
  • Center for Research on Learning
  • Pretest and make commitments to learn. 
  • Success formula = 
  • If you figure out what works for you, what strategies will help you perform it, that will make it effective for life. 
  • Strategic is about having strategies
  • Why hasn’t anyone taught me “like this” before
  • Learning strategies vs. Cue, do, review
  • Research-based information
  • Concerns about science of reading approaches
  • Review process - reviewed against a long list of components (do those specific components have research showing they work.)
  • Teacher not being able to teach something even though they have experience showing that it works. 
  • Adapting evidence-based practices based on student data. 
  • iSTAR Adaptive intervention based on SIM writing strategies. 
  • Learn how write complete sentences and effective purposeful paragraphs. 
  • Many different types of gaps and writing that has happened. 
  • Human-delivered instruction but with dashboards for families, teachers, students, and administrators with AI to support
  • Interest-inventory
  • Authentic Audience - writing with purpose routine, built into iStar. 
  • How to be a transformative principal? Learn alongside your teachers. 

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IXL’s comprehensive teaching and learning platform for math, language arts, science, and social studies is accelerating achievement in 95 of the top 100 U.S. school districts. Loved by teachers and backed by independent research from Johns Hopkins University, IXL can help you do the following and more:

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