Each month, we feature a BlogTalkRadio host on our show In the Limelight. This month, we spotlight Clarity, creator and host of the show Relationships (Some Assembly Required) Workshop. Clarity's show is about learning to understand people better by stepping into their shoes and seeing things from their point of view. She offers insights, advice, and new understandings in how we relate to our families, friends, co-workers, partners, and in our relationship with money. With over 10 years experience consulting people and companies on the job market and also working as an intuitive advisor, Clarity's show takes her unique perspective into a new realm here at BlogTalkRadio to make it easy for her listeners and followers to acquire and interact with her. Listen to BlogTalkRadio's Christina Blodgett as she interviews Clarity to learn how she started with BlogTalkRadio, how she prepares for and markets her shows, and her advice for other BlogTalkRadio hosts to help you achieve success on your online journey.