Permaculture Voices: Profitable and Practical Permaculture - Focusing on Farming, Business, Design   /     Grow Everything Now, Sell Everything Now


In this episode, pick-your-own farmer Megan Neubauer talks about the appeal of growing as much crops you can in one period of the year running a you-pick farm.   Subscribe for more content on sustainable farming, market farming tips, and business insights!   Get market farming tools, seeds, and supplies at Modern Grower. Follow Modern Grower:  Instagram  Instagram Listen to other podcasts on the Modern Grower Podcast Network:  Carrot Cashflow  Farm Small Farm Smart  Farm Small Farm Smart Daily  The Growing Microgreens Podcast  The Urban Farmer Podcast  The Rookie Farmer Podcast  In Search of Soil Podcast Check out Diego's books:  Sell Everything You Grow on Amazon   Ready Farmer One on Amazon **** Modern Grower and Diego Footer participate in the Amazon Services LLC. Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

In this episode, pick-your-own farmer Megan Neubauer talks about the appeal of growing as much crops you can in one period of the year running a you-pick farm.   Subscribe for more content on sustainable farming, market farming tips, and...
Publishing date
2025-03-23 10:30


In this episode, pick-your-own farmer Megan Neubauer talks about the appeal of growing as much crops you can in one period of the year running a you-pick farm. 

 Subscribe for more content on sustainable farming, market farming tips, and business insights! 

 Get market farming tools, seeds, and supplies at Modern Grower.

Follow Modern Grower:  Instagram  Instagram

Listen to other podcasts on the Modern Grower Podcast Network:  Carrot Cashflow  Farm Small Farm Smart  Farm Small Farm Smart Daily  The Growing Microgreens Podcast  The Urban Farmer Podcast  The Rookie Farmer Podcast  In Search of Soil Podcast

Check out Diego's books:  Sell Everything You Grow on Amazon   Ready Farmer One on Amazon

**** Modern Grower and Diego Footer participate in the Amazon Services LLC. Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to