Climate Anxiety is on the rise, while temperatures are rising and the climate crisis is getting more and more real. In this first English episode I talk with Michaela Zint about the psychological and emotional effects of the climate crisis and how not to lose hope. Climate Emotions, not just Anxiety, are and important aspect in tackeling the climate crisis, as people involved also need to care for their own needs to keep going. Michaela also shares her own journey with emotions and also useful tipps to care for your own wellbeing in the midst of the polycrisis. Dr. Michaela Zint is an Associate Dean and Faculty Member at the University of Michigan's School for Environment and Sustainability. Her research and teaching focus on advancing sustainability including climate education - most recently by exploring the role of emotions like climate anxiety and climate action. Find Michaela here: Further Information: Michaelas Talk at BOKU about Climate Anxiety Window of Tolerance Book: Field Guide to Climate Anxiety by Sarah Ray 39: Katharina van Bronswijk über Klimaangst Panu Pihkala: Toward a Taxonomy of Climate Emotions Cartoon what if Climate Change does not exist Inner Development Goals SDGs Exxon knew about climate change since the 70s Buch: "Für Pessismus ist es zu spät" - Helga Kromp-Kolb* Active Hope Training Buch: "Active Hope" - Joanna Macy* Photo of Michaela: (c) Matthias Heisler Euch hat die Folge gefallen? Vergesst nicht den Podcast zu abonnieren, eine 5 Sterne-Bewertung + Rezension zu hinterlassen, folgt mir gern auf Instagram oder schaut auf der Website vorbei! Ihr wollt den Podcast auch finanziell unterstützen? Das könnt ihr über Paypal tun! Danke dafür! 🙂 Vorstellungskraft ist ein Podcast von Elena Beringer aka Marolenas Stimme. Konzept, Moderation und Produktion: Elena Beringer. *Affiliate-Link
Climate Anxiety is on the rise, while temperatures are rising and the climate crisis is getting more and more real. In this first English episode I talk with Michaela Zint about the psychological and emotional effects of the climate crisis and how not to lose hope. Climate Emotions, not just Anxiety, are and important aspect in tackeling the climate crisis, as people involved also need to care for their own needs to keep going. Michaela also shares her own journey with emotions and also useful tipps to care for your own wellbeing in the midst of the polycrisis.
Dr. Michaela Zint is an Associate Dean and Faculty Member at the University of Michigan's School for Environment and Sustainability. Her research and teaching focus on advancing sustainability including climate education - most recently by exploring the role of emotions like climate anxiety and climate action.
Find Michaela here:
Further Information:
Michaelas Talk at BOKU about Climate Anxiety
Book: Field Guide to Climate Anxiety by Sarah Ray
39: Katharina van Bronswijk über Klimaangst
Panu Pihkala: Toward a Taxonomy of Climate Emotions
Cartoon what if Climate Change does not exist
Exxon knew about climate change since the 70s
Buch: "Für Pessismus ist es zu spät" - Helga Kromp-Kolb*
Buch: "Active Hope" - Joanna Macy*
Photo of Michaela: (c) Matthias Heisler
Euch hat die Folge gefallen? Vergesst nicht den Podcast zu abonnieren, eine 5 Sterne-Bewertung + Rezension zu hinterlassen, folgt mir gern auf Instagram oder schaut auf der Website vorbei!
Ihr wollt den Podcast auch finanziell unterstützen? Das könnt ihr über Paypal tun! Danke dafür! 🙂
Vorstellungskraft ist ein Podcast von Elena Beringer aka Marolenas Stimme.
Konzept, Moderation und Produktion: Elena Beringer.