Dr. Brian Sovryn is back to answering your questions every week! It's your weekly SOVRYN Q&A, and this one is as epic as they come...make sure you listen to the very end!SPECIAL GUEST–N/AQUESTIONS:–"Shifted from iOS, what smartwatch should I use?"–"Will Gemini win the AI War?"–"Jews are the Atlanteans?"DON’T FORGET TO LEAVE COMMENTS & QUESTIONS ON SPOTIFY AND YOUTUBE!SPONSORS–"The Future of the Sovryn Universe on OnlyFans" Link: http://miri.xxxtech.net===================GET YOUR EMAILS IN: fu@xxxtech.netDonate with BTC: 3GYKVWkVE6iAYEnExfiNfCHJkSDFYWEs43Donate with CashApp: $sovryntechDonate with Venmo: @bsovrynDonate via Patreon: https://patreon.com/sovryn===================Be sure to subscribe to XXX Tech on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Pocket Casts, or wherever you listen to fine podcasts!For more of Dr. Brian Sovryn, also be sure to check out the all-inclusive Master SOVRYN Podcast Feed! Also available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Pocket Casts, and all other podcast apps.Also subscribe to The Master SOVRYN Podcast Channel on YOUTUBE! Watch shows like XXX Tech, Real-Time Sovryn, and more.===================xxxtech.net