AMP Up Your Social media   /     AMP Up Your Social Media #56: Using Digital Media as a Way to Generate Traffic


Meagen Eisenberg is the CFO of MongoDB, an open-sourced, modern database which has been around for over 7 years. Meagen's first clue as to how important social media was to become was when Twitter came out with promotional Tweets. Meagen and her team decided to use those promotional Tweets to increase their company’s awareness and engagement as a trial to test the waters and see how much of an impact that extra investment would make on their reach and engagement. The results were impressive, and after this success, Meagen shifted focus to finding better ways to utilize social media to reach her target audiences.Continue Reading → The post #56: Using Digital Media as a Way to Generate Traffic appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.


Meagen Eisenberg is the CMO of MongoDB, an open-sourced, modern database which has been around for over 7 years. Meagen’s first clue as to how important social media was to become was when Twitter came out with promotional Tweets. Meagen and her team decided to use those promotional Tweets to increase their company’s awareness and engagement as a trial to test the waters and see how much of an impact that extra investment would make on their reach and engagement. The results were impressive, and after this success, Meagen shifted focus to finding better ways to utilize social media to reach her target audiences.

“Participate. Listen and learn on social media, and activate your social media accounts more effectively. ”

Meagen discusses tips for using social media digital marketing as a way to generate traffic:

* The reach you get on social media trumps traditional methods. Email marketing is a traditionally noisy channel, and when you can utilize other marketing channels like Twitter which is less noisy and typically more engaging, then the result can mean farther reach and more awareness for your brand.
* Look at reach and how it compares to competitors. It’s hard to gauge whether or not you’re being successful without knowing what kind of traction your competitors are getting on social media. Look at your reach, and then compare your data with the data of your competitors. Combine those statistics with the cost of each lead to see whether or not you’re measuring up to the competition.
* Pay attention to trending topics. Trending topics give you insight into what’s popular on social media right now. Utilize trending topics when they’re appropriate to capitalize on what people are interested in, and keep an eye on these topics as they continually revolve and evolve as topical interests change.
* Utilize softwares and programs like GaggleAMP to track leads, campaigns, and conversion rates. There’s a lot of value in awareness, reach, and social mentions, but having the ability to track your campaigns, leads, and conversion rates is the best way to analyze the concrete success of your social media efforts.
* Customer advocates generate more customers. Word of mouth is a great way to generate more business, so engage your customers, and make it easy for them to spread the good news. Awareness is extremely important to garnering more leads, especially when it comes to social media today.
* Listen first, and then engage. Engaging users on social media can be more authentic and useful when you first listen to customers and then engage. In this manner, you develop more meaningful relationships with customers which are more likely to convert to solid leads.

Meagen would love to hear from you! Connect with her on LinkedIn or Twitter.
Subscribe and get the AMP UP Your Social Media podcast on iTunes or listen below. Tweet about the show using #AUYSM or Tweet at us @AMPUPSocial. AMP UP Your Social Media is a proud member of the FIR Podcast Network.
About Meagen Eisenberg
Hailing from Los Altos, California, Meagen spends her time at home as the mother of 3. She studied marketing and strategy at Yale University from the Yale School of Management. She’s also a member of Eloqua Master, MOCCA, Marketing Leadership Development Program (MLDP) – IBM, CPIM (APICS), Order of Omega, and Alpha Omicron Pi.
AMP UP Your Social Media is sponsored by:

GaggleAMP – Empower your employees, partners and resellers to amplify your social media.

Meagen Eisenberg is the CFO of MongoDB, an open-sourced, modern database which has been around for over 7 years. Meagen's first clue as to how important social media was to become was when Twitter came out with promotional Tweets.
Publishing date
2015-11-15 16:38
  Glenn Gaudet


Meagen Eisenberg is the CMO of MongoDB, an open-sourced, modern database which has been around for over 7 years. Meagen’s first clue as to how important social media was to become was when Twitter came out with promotional Tweets. Meagen and her team decided to use those promotional Tweets to increase their company’s awareness and engagement as a trial to test the waters and see how much of an impact that extra investment would make on their reach and engagement. The results were impressive, and after this success, Meagen shifted focus to finding better ways to utilize social media to reach her target audiences.

“Participate. Listen and learn on social media, and activate your social media accounts more effectively. ”

Meagen discusses tips for using social media digital marketing as a way to generate traffic:

  1. The reach you get on social media trumps traditional methods. Email marketing is a traditionally noisy channel, and when you can utilize other marketing channels like Twitter which is less noisy and typically more engaging, then the result can mean farther reach and more awareness for your brand.
  2. Look at reach and how it compares to competitors. It’s hard to gauge whether or not you’re being successful without knowing what kind of traction your competitors are getting on social media. Look at your reach, and then compare your data with the data of your competitors. Combine those statistics with the cost of each lead to see whether or not you’re measuring up to the competition.
  3. Pay attention to trending topics. Trending topics give you insight into what’s popular on social media right now. Utilize trending topics when they’re appropriate to capitalize on what people are interested in, and keep an eye on these topics as they continually revolve and evolve as topical interests change.
  4. Utilize softwares and programs like GaggleAMP to track leads, campaigns, and conversion rates. There’s a lot of value in awareness, reach, and social mentions, but having the ability to track your campaigns, leads, and conversion rates is the best way to analyze the concrete success of your social media efforts.
  5. Customer advocates generate more customers. Word of mouth is a great way to generate more business, so engage your customers, and make it easy for them to spread the good news. Awareness is extremely important to garnering more leads, especially when it comes to social media today.
  6. Listen first, and then engage. Engaging users on social media can be more authentic and useful when you first listen to customers and then engage. In this manner, you develop more meaningful relationships with customers which are more likely to convert to solid leads.

Meagen would love to hear from you! Connect with her on LinkedIn or Twitter.

Subscribe and get the AMP UP Your Social Media podcast on iTunes or listen below. Tweet about the show using #AUYSM or Tweet at us @AMPUPSocial. AMP UP Your Social Media is a proud member of the FIR Podcast Network.

About Meagen Eisenberg

Hailing from Los Altos, California, Meagen spends her time at home as the mother of 3. She studied marketing and strategy at Yale University from the Yale School of Management. She’s also a member of Eloqua Master, MOCCA, Marketing Leadership Development Program (MLDP) – IBM, CPIM (APICS), Order of Omega, and Alpha Omicron Pi.

AMP UP Your Social Media is sponsored by:

  • GaggleAMP – Empower your employees, partners and resellers to amplify your social media.

The post #56: Using Digital Media as a Way to Generate Traffic appeared first on FIR Podcast Network.