Welcome to a new talk show here on A.C.E.Network. The name of this talk show is The Burning Question. The Burning Question is a talk show that is going to focus on controversial topics and events that are causing a stir around the United States of America. This should be a good show for me to project my feelings and opinions on the events happening around the world. Our first topic is going to be about the vicious attack of a 18 year old mentally handicapped man who was attacked by 4 black teenagers. He was stabbed in the head, punched, kicked, got his clothes cut, and swore at and made to say racial slurs. Yet, people are saying this is NOT a hate crime, what is wrong with you people????!!!! Don't even get me started if the roles have been reversed. Even a Chicago Police Chief is calling this a Stupid Decision and it was made by young men..... people their age have gone to jail for murder, this is a HATE CRIME, ATTEMPED MURDER and ASSALUT NOT A STUPID DECISION! PLANNED FOR THE SHOW: ~ Discussion on my thoughts on this case!!! ~ What I would do if I was a judge!! ~ My thoughts of The Chicago Police's Officer's Message