Chaos Orchestra - The Knowledge Graph Podcast

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Date Title & Description Contributors

  #10 - The Future of Data Management - Sean Martin

Knowledge Graphs revolutionise the way companies make use of their data. The technology has the potential to turn every digitised piece of knowledge in a company into actionable insights. You can exceed even Google’s Search capabilities by creating an ...
  Boris Shalumov author

  #09 - Cognitive Graph Analytics - Jans Aasman

Can Knowledge Graphs help to build better Cognitive Models? How will Knowledge Graphs look like in the future and how will we interact with them? Why didn't Knowledge Graphs solve COVID-19-related data problems? How far away are Technocracy and Digital...
  Boris Shalumov author

  #08 - Graph Representation Learning - Guiseppe Futia

Graph Neural Networks are very effective in dealing with complex network data structures to perform label and link predictions. They can process typological and structural information from social networks to protein pathways. But can they also work wit...
  Boris Shalumov author

  #07 - Knowledge Graphs vs. Fake News - Daniel Schwabe

We have never been closer to knowledge democratisation and collective intelligence. However, the enabling technology is a blessing and a curse at the same time. Fake News and Filter Bubbles dominate the spread of information in social networks and sear...
  Boris Shalumov author

  #06 - Knowledge democratization & Abstract Wikipedia - Denny Vrandečić

Wikipedia, Google and social networks transformed the way of knoweldge aggregation and spread - but can we make all of humanty's knoweldge machine-readable? Are Knoweldge Graphs enough to achieve that? What technological and social challenges come with...
  Boris Shalumov author

  #05 - Ontologies, Knowledge & Human-Machine Interfaces - Panos Alexopoulos

Ontologies are a way to represent and communicate knowledge, understandable to both - machines and humans. But what level of expressivity is needed to be able to convey human thoughts and human understanding of the world to machines? Are current graph ...
  Boris Shalumov author

  #04 - Science Knowledge Graph - Sören Auer

It is nearly impossible for a scientist to process all relevant information to one's field of research. Due to “antique”, document-based knowledge transmission methods, scientists are deriving hypotheses from a smaller and smaller fraction of our colle...
  Boris Shalumov author

  #03 - Knowledge-infused Learning - Manas Gaur

Deep Learning has proven to be the primary technique to address a number of problems. But each application of AI inevitably encounters unexpected scenarios (edge cases) in which the system does not perform as required. Knowledge-infused learning uses c...
  Boris Shalumov author

  #02 - Intelligence & NLU, the ultimate test for AI - Walid Saba

Despite huge investments into Deep Learning we did not get close to making machines understand natural language (NLU). Can semantic approaches make up for weaknesses of Deep Learning like for example abstraction and generalization ? If humans would nee...
  Boris Shalumov author

  #01 - The RobotCEO - Dan McCreary

Can we build a #google for enterprise data? How can #KnowledgeGraphs & #HybridAI help executives make better business decisions, and accelerate the evolution towards enterprise collective intelligence?“The direction is very clear and you can’t stop...
  Boris Shalumov author