Hacker Public Radio is an podcast that releases shows every weekday Monday through Friday. Our shows are produced by the community (you) and can be on any topic that are of interest to hackers and hobbyists.
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A collection of tips and tricks that operat0r uses to make a standard Android phone more custom. The secret block extension is "11335506" - tell 'em Ken sent ya.
UserLAnd - Linux on Andro UserLAn...
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NYE 2025 4
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Interview with one of the
"Redot Engine"
founders, Andrew.
Redot Engine is a fork of the famous free and open source project "Godot engine".
This is my first time interviewing someone...
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First, I create a Git repository some place on the server. This
is the Git repo that's going to be populated with your content,
but it doesn't have to be in a world-viewable location on ...
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Transferring Large Data Sets
Very large data sets present their own problems. Not everyone has
directories with hundreds of gigabytes of project files, but I do,
and I ...
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Civilization IV added some new Victory types, and I decided to
illustrate one of them, the Culture victory, by going through an
example of achieving this, the Culture victory.
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This episode gives a mini-review of the Yamiry YR01 Fingerprint
Smart Knob. This key less entry system replaces your door handles
and latch with a door handle and latch system tha...
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Review of the book the Arduino controlled by eforth by dr
chen-hanson ting published in 2018
written by chen-hanson ting
Late Dr. ting was a chemist turned engineer. he earned a...
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OpenWebUI notes ...
Open WebUI installer: https://github.com/freeload101/SCRIPTS/blob/master/Bash/OpenWebUI_Fast.bash
Older Professor synapse prompt you can use: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/...
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In here:
1- Carrying weight more safely
- When picking up weight in front of your body, embrace the core (tighten the abdomen);
- it gives you more stability, so you are more capable to do the task....