Arresting the Shadows Martial Arts Passage from the Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi. During this 2 part episode we will read this passage from 3 perspectives, from the viewpoint of a : Monk Warrior Scholar Each one brings its on unique viewpoint and fleshes out a slightly different interpretation than the last. This based on the blog from Kai Morgan at Featured Books: Amazon: Legends of Okinawian Masters Itunes : Book of Five Rings (Ebook and AudioBook) Audible : Several Audio Versions come with 30 Day Free Trial Amazon : Various Versions Original Webpage :
Arresting the Shadows Martial Arts Passage from the Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi. During this 2 part episode we will read this passage from 3 perspectives, from the viewpoint of a : * Monk * Warrior * Scholar Each one brings its on unique viewpoint and fleshes out a slightly different interpretation than the last. This based on the blog from Kai Morgan at Featured Book: