Waking UpThe Neuroscience of Awareness with Jeanne Catherine Gray   /     The Inciteful Solution & The Lyme Parasite 04/09/18


Join host, Jeanne Catherine-Gray and guest author, psychologist, and burnout/resiliency specialist Joe Bailey (http://www.joebaileyandassociates.com/about.html) and hear an inspiring, extraordinary story about healing. Learn how illness is shaped by the power of the mind, and how understanding thought and consciousness can best prepare us for innate health in the face of difficult circumstances, illness, and emotional dis-ease. Bio: Joe Bailey, M.A., L.P. is an author, seminar leader, consultant to organizations, public speaker, psychotherapist and a licensed psychologist. His work has included co-founding The Minneapolis Institute of Mental Health, developing programs for health care provider wellness at the University of Minnesota and numerous hospitals including North Memorial Hospital, Minneapolis, East Lansing Health System and Mayo Clinic Arizona, treatment centers for addictions Gulf Breeze Recovery, Meridian Systems and Farnum Center, and numerous social service agencies. He is currently on the advisory board of the Innate Health Center of London. Joe has worked for over forty years as a psychotherapist, trainer, administrator, supervisor and consultant to clinics, hospitals, businesses and other government groups. He is author of six books including the best seller, Slowing Down to the Speed of Life with Dr. Richard Carlson, The Serenity Principle, Slowing Down to the Speed of Love, Fearproof Your Life: How to Thrive in a World Addicted to Fear, and his latest book that he contributed to, Creating a Marriage You’ll Love (2010). He is currently working on a new book called The Burnout Solution (Foreword by Dr. Henry Emmons, Author of The Chemistry of Joy and others). You can learn more about Joe and his work at www.joebaileyandassociates.com.

The Inciteful Solution & The Lyme Parasite 04/09/18
Publishing date
2018-04-18 14:36
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