This week, correspondent Teresa Chin takes us on a tour beneath the Monterey Bay to explore the sights and creatures of the deep. Cruise a shipwreck, learn how to pilot an underwater research vessel and hear more than you ever wanted to know about jellyfish sex. This episode is rated PGI: Parental Guidance recommended for Invertebrates.
This week, correspondent Teresa Chin takes us on a tour beneath the Monterey Bay to explore the sights and creatures of the deep. Cruise a shipwreck, learn how to pilot an underwater research vessel and hear more than you ever wanted to know about jellyfish sex. This episode is rated PGI: Parental Guidance recommended for Invertebrates.
That’s all for this season, folks! We’ll be back in early 2013 with new episodes for Series 4. Got an idea for a field trip you think we should take? Want us to come visit YOU? Drop us a line at: info [at] fieldtrippodcast [dot] com.
See you soon!
About this week’s special Field Trip Correspondent:
Teresa Chin is a science producer at Youth Radio in Oakland. Her past jobs have included high school chemistry teacher, intern zookeeper, and plucky health reporter. She loves learning, and has two masters degrees from Berkeley to prove it. You can follow her on Twitter @TeresaLChin.
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