Tennis Elbow Classroom   /     What Is Pickleball Elbow And How Do You Treat It?


Is there such a thing as Pickleball Elbow or is your Pickleball injury pain likely either Tennis Elbow or Golfer's Elbow? – Learn the right way to treat and heal it yourself, either way – And discover why the standard treatments of pills, shots, ice, braces and creams are NOT the answer!


If you play Pickleball and are starting to experience pain in your elbow area, look out! You may be coming down with a case of “Pickleball Elbow!”

Hi, this is Allen Willette with the Tennis Elbow Classroom podcast, and I want to help you get off on the right track, understanding and treating your Pickleball injury whether it's your inner or outer elbow – whether it's Golfer's or Tennis Elbow (more on which is which in a second)

Because, if you have a tendon injury in your elbow area, it's most likely going to end up being classified as either Tennis or Golfer's Elbow.

And I'd like to help you avoid the myths, and misconceptions and all the mistakes based on them – mistakes which derail a lot of sufferers and cause them a great deal of unnecessary suffering.

It's no joke... One of my student/members who plays Pickleball in Arizona (where the sport is apparently VERY popular) recently told me that half the people he plays with are experiencing elbow pain!

Well, maybe not HALF – but a large percentage of Pickleball players are either among the walking wounded, all wrapped up in braces or bands – or they're dropping out of matches like flies.

Why so many getting injured?...

Is there such a thing as Pickleball Elbow or is your Pickleball injury pain likely either Tennis Elbow or Golfer's Elbow? – Learn the right way to treat and heal it yourself, either way – And discover why the standard treatments of pills, shots, ice,
Publishing date
2018-06-18 00:41
  Allen Willette, Your Tennis Elbow Tutor | Neuromuscular Therapist in Marin, CA