Our guest this podcast is Jordin Ramirez. Jordin is a pro natural bodybuilder under the MuscleMania brand. He has been a personal trainer here in Las Vegas for the last five years. In addition he is the owner of the Perfict brand, which includes Perfict training, Perfict apparel, and Perfict seasonings. We get Jordin's take on many subjects ranging from training philosophies, starting a brand and maximizing social media, and the role of weed during training and recovery and much more. If you love this episode, please subscribe. The Barbells and Briefcases Podcast is on iTunes, SoundCloud, Stitcher, and TuneIn. You can find all of our newest apparel on: www.barbellsbriefcases.com/ You can also follow us on Facebook and Instagram @barbellsandbriefcases. Thank you for listening!