What's the best position to sleep in when you have Tennis or Golfer's Elbow? Should your elbow be straight or bent? Is it a good idea to wear a brace in bed or not? – (IS it actually possible to get a good nights sleep with a bad case of Tennis Elbow!?)
One of the worst things about Tennis Elbow and Golfer’s Elbow is that it can sometimes hurt so much at night that it keeps you from sleeping.
If you're among the UNfortunates who struggle with this dilemma, you end up facing the “double jeopardy curse”...
Of not only suffering with the searing pain of Tennis or Golfer's Elbow during the day while trying to work or enjoy a game of tennis or golf…
But also having your desperately-needed sleep and recovery time constantly sabotaged by the incessant pain at night.
But even if your sleep isn't disrupted by pain, you may still be wondering why your elbow hurts so much first thing in the morning.
In this episode, Allen Willette covers these questions, as well as:
What's the best position to sleep in when you have Golfer's or Tennis Elbow?
Are there topical preparations or other treatments that can help relieve your pain and help you sleep through the night?
And should you wear a brace in bed at night around your wrist or elbow – or is it better not to?