We're back with "Trading Places"... this is round 3 of this series. It's like when you have an argument with your best friend about who was the best singer for Van Halen or Deep Purple (both can be found on round 2), or AC/DC (round 1)... and now we've moved a little into the progrock field. Check out the lead singers of Kansas... Genesis... Toto... bet you missed some of them! Support this podcast
We're back with "Trading Places"... this is round 3 of this series. It's like when you have an argument with your best friend about who was the best singer for Van Halen or Deep Purple (both can be found on round 2), or AC/DC (round 1)... and now we've moved a little into the progrock field. Check out the lead singers of Kansas... Genesis... Toto... bet you missed some of them!
We're back with "Trading Places"... this is round 3 of this series. It's like when you have an argument with your best friend about who was the best singer for Van Halen or Deep Purple (both can be found on round 2), or AC/DC (round 1)... and now we've moved a little into the progrock field. Check out the lead singers of Kansas... Genesis... Toto... bet you missed some of them!