Howl’s Moving Castle, released in 2003, is one of the most famous movies in the Ghibli canon of films. Clearly, Hayao Miyazaki had some interesting ideas for this film when he first conceived of it – apparently being directly inspired to make the film by the horror he was feeling from the American invasion of … Continue reading #56 How to End a War (Howl’s Moving Castle)
Howl’s Moving Castle, released in 2003, is one of the most famous movies in the Ghibli canon of films. Clearly, Hayao Miyazaki had some interesting ideas for this film when he first conceived of it – apparently being directly inspired to make the film by the horror he was feeling from the American invasion of … Continue reading #56 How to End a War (Howl’s Moving Castle)
Howl’s Moving Castle, released in 2003, is one of the most famous movies in the Ghibli canon of films. Clearly, Hayao Miyazaki had some interesting ideas for this film when he first conceived of it – apparently being directly inspired to make the film by the horror he was feeling from the American invasion of Iraq. True to that premise, Howl’s Moving Castle is a moving and powerful anti-war tale. In this story, we see two opposing nations at war with each other for seemingly arbitrary reasons – meanwhile cities are burned, lives are forever changed, and the environment suffers. Amidst this conflict we follow Sophie, a young milliner (hat maker), who after an encounter with the Witch of the Waste is turned into an old lady. In the process of turning into an old lady, we delve into societal issues facing the elderly but also learn how compassion and dignity seemingly have the power to end wars. There are many parts to this story that we felt were fascinating and we hope you enjoy the episode!
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Special Thanks to Jonathan McDougall for creating our outro song. Taiwan Jon
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