The Who, What, Why? Game Design Podcast   /     Who, What, Why S34.E10 :: Nawalli with Gonzalo and Will


Gonzalo and Will joined me to talk about their game called Nawalli. It's a head-to-head card battling game with some incredible artwork inspired by the Aztecs. It's an easy game to learn and play because of its relative language independence (once you know it all). I was drawn to this game because of its artwork and knew I had to find out more. What better way than have the designers on the show. Also, the Cardboard Edison Award is here again. All submissions must be in by Jan. 31. Check out for more information. They did not pay me to say this, but they should since I'm a prestigious podcaster (kidding).

Gonzalo and Will joined me to talk about their game called Nawalli. It's a head-to-head card battling game with some incredible artwork inspired by the Aztecs. It's an easy game to learn and play because of its relative language independence (once you...
Publishing date
2023-01-17 15:00
  Mike Bonet


Gonzalo and Will joined me to talk about their game called Nawalli. It's a head-to-head card battling game with some incredible artwork inspired by the Aztecs. It's an easy game to learn and play because of its relative language independence (once you know it all). I was drawn to this game because of its artwork and knew I had to find out more. What better way than have the designers on the show.

Also, the Cardboard Edison Award is here again. All submissions must be in by Jan. 31. Check out for more information. They did not pay me to say this, but they should since I'm a prestigious podcaster (kidding).