VOE外语广播电台   /     Jun. 09, 2017 #Music Bang Bang# The Bright Side


节目组: Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸 节目名称: The Bright Side开头曲 Unique C: Hello, lovely audience! This is Christine! Welcome to Music Bang Bang again!A: Hello, I'm Armstrong! Wow, this song is fantastic! It just takes all the upset away!C: I totally agree. This song is Unique from Lenka's album, The Bright Side, which was released in 2015. The whole album is like a mild summery breeze that will dust your shoulders off.A: 属于夏天的好声音:甜而不腻,轻巧舒服,清新爽朗,绝对讨好你挑剔的双耳,让人不忍随乐摇摆。So, we are gonna talk about this album today. Welcome to Lenka's fantastic world! 插曲1 The Bright Side A: The name of this song is the same as the album, The Bright Side. It's hard to accept that Lenka is nearly 40. Her voice and style is still like a little girl! C:她就像是一位古灵精怪的小女孩,脑中充满天马行空的七彩画面转由音符输出,邀大家一同进入她多样的音乐异想世界。A: Even if you're the type to be down in the dumps and gloomy, take a new look and take it from me. There's room over here on the bright side. 插曲 2 Get Together C: This one is Get Together. You want to download it as soon as you hear the prelude! 她的歌总是有着这种近乎小女孩儿的清新天真,无忧无虑,简直拯救每个人的少女心! 插曲3 The long way home A: No matter what trouble you are facing, you can always take a long way home, which is your harbor forever. You are listening to The Long Way Home.插曲 4 Blue skies A: I bet this is the most familiar one to you, Blue Skies. Afer a pouring rain, Lenka was looking at the blue sky with her son in her arm, when the melody came to mind.C: 正如Lenka所言,“这首歌是关于对未来的希望、对一切终将如愿的信心,以及和自己所爱的人一起穿越黑暗和迷雾的那些时光。 插曲5 Free C: This one is Free. Say goodbye to yesterday. Let go of every way. I held myself under. Cause I'm free i'm free free free. And all I see is the open road in front of me. I'm free I'm free free free. And I want to be the happiest that i can be. 插曲 6 We are powerful C: Everytime I hear this song, I feel I am filled with power. Just like its name, We Are Powerful.A: We are invincible. We are unique. We are incredible. We are free. We are beautiful. We are a dream. We are wonderful. You and me, we are powerful.C: 我们回肠荡气 我们宇宙唯一,我们不可思议 我们自由不羁,我们如此美丽,我们如梦奇异,我们奇妙难喻。我和你,我们天下无敌。A: 最直白的句子,给你最直接的力量。Time flies,that's all for today's program.See you next time!C:欢迎大家订阅我们的微信公众号时代之声radio,网易云音乐music bang bang电台以及荔枝fm,更多精彩内容等着你的发现,感谢制作张雨航。See you~ 结束曲 We are powerful 节目监制:刘仁邦编辑:郭思婷播音:郭思婷 温彦博制作:张雨航

节目组: Music...
Publishing date
2017-06-16 00:15