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Date Title & Description Contributors

  Jun. 24, 2017 #Campus Interview# 留学生采访

F: Good evening, my dear audience. Welcome to Campus Interview of VOE Station. I'm Flat.Y: I'm Yolanda. 欢迎收听本期的校园访谈录。今天来到我们演播室的是我校巴基斯坦籍留学生Ansar. Hi, Doctor Ansar, nice to meet you. Could you please introduce yourself to us?F: Wow, that's a new place to...
  VOE外语广播电台 author

  Jun. 23, 2017 #Music Bang Bang# 毕业季—青春不散场

节目组: Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸 节目名称: 毕业季—青春不散场开头曲 The Sound Of Silence C:Hello my dear audience, you are listening to Music Bang Bang from VOE foreign languages radio.I'm Christine.A:Hello,everybody,I'm Armstrong!This is the last program of Music Bang Ban...
  VOE外语广播电台 author

  Jun. 22, 2017 #The World Says# The differences between some words

节目组: The World Says 世界说 节目名称: The differences between some words开头曲 ID J:Hello everybody, welcome to the world says from the VOE foreign language station, this is Jotta.V:And I'm Vincent.F:Hi dear audience, I'm your old friend, Francis.J: So today, we...
  VOE外语广播电台 author

  Jun. 21, 2017 #Bloom in Ink# Excellence is not an act, but a habit

节目组: Bloom in Ink 墨海繁花 节目名称: Excellence is not an act, but a habitExcellence is not an act, but a habitOur character, basically, is a composite of our habits. “Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; ...
  VOE外语广播电台 author

  Jun. 20, 2017 #한류전선# 夏季清凉的歌曲

节目组: 한류전선 韩流前线 节目名称: 夏季清凉的歌曲开头曲 睡不着 A:친구들 안녕하세요 欢迎收听VOE外语广播韩流前线,我是播音王芷筠。B:만나서 반가워요 我是播音郭燕。A:어느덧 성큼 다가온 여름, 무더운 이 계절을 어떻게 나고 계신가요? 夏天如约而至,在这炎热的季节,你是如何缓解浮躁的内心的呢?B:여름 분위기가 물씬 나는 시원한 음악을 들으면서 편안한 마음을 가져보는건 어떨까요? 在舒适的环境配一首清新的歌曲,自然会使心清凉安静下来。A:那我们今天就来给大家推荐...
  VOE外语广播电台 author

  Jun. 19, 2017 #Screen Age# Scent of a woman

节目组:The Screen Age 荧屏时代 节目名称:Scent of a woman开头曲 Por Una Cabeza-Thomas Newman B: Hello, my dear audience, Welcome back to the Screen Age. This is BobBee.L: Hey, friend. I'm Lynn. Well, BobBee, I saw a classical American movie last night. It's so exc...
  VOE外语广播电台 author

  Jun. 17, 2017 #日本语ドリームワークス# 日本诗歌

节目组: 日本语ドリームワークス 日语梦工厂 节目名称: 日本诗歌A:みなさん,こんばんは。欢迎收听VOE外文广播电台,日语梦工厂。我是主播梁远鹏。 B:我是主播吉旭灵 A:我羡慕春风得意马蹄急,一日看尽长安花的得意,我钦佩我自横刀向天笑,去留肝胆两昆仑的豪情,我惋惜君生我未生,我生君已老的无奈。B:那么作为我们的邻国日本,在诗歌方面与中国诗歌又有着什么异同呢?就让我们用本期节目为大家一一剖析。A:中国古代文化对日本产生了极大的影响,日本今天的文字也很大程度上来源于中文。在众多影响之中,诗歌是非常...
  VOE外语广播电台 author

  Jun. 09, 2017 #Music Bang Bang# The Bright Side

节目组: Music Bang Bang 音乐大爆炸 节目名称: The Bright Side开头曲 Unique C: Hello, lovely audience! This is Christine! Welcome to Music Bang Bang again!A: Hello, I'm Armstrong! Wow, this song is fantastic! It just takes all the upset away!C: I totally agree. This s...
  VOE外语广播电台 author

  Jun. 15, 2017 #The World Says# information security

节目组: The World Says 世界说 节目名称: information securityS: Hey guys welcome to the world says from the Voice Of Era foreign languages radio station, I'm SherlockI: This is Iris. Welcome to listen to our program! I: Well, Sherlock, we all rely on computers i...
  VOE外语广播电台 author

  Jun. 14, 2017 #Bloom in Ink# If you can dream it, you can do it

节目组: Bloom in Ink 墨海繁花 节目名称: If you can dream it, you can do itIf you can dream it, you can do it.梦想还是要有的,万一实现了呢I don't know what that dream is that you have. I don't care how disappointing it might be as you're working toward that dream. But that dre...
  VOE外语广播电台 author