Hacker Public Radio   /     HPR3962: It's your data


This is a response show to hpr3959 :: Download any HPR series with english file names "A dir with the series name will be created and all shows will be renamed to ShowTitle.mp3 inside it" This was the first show by gemlog and he used Bash, sed, grep, wget, to scrape the HPR site. This is great but as he points out any change to the site will break the script. A safer way to get the episodes is by scraping the rss feed, and the following is an example of how you might do that #!/bin/bash series_url="https://hackerpublicradio.org/hpr_mp3_rss.php?series=42&full=1&gomax=1" download_dir="./" wget "${series_url}" -O - | xmlstarlet sel -T -t -m 'rss/channel/item' -v 'concat(enclosure/@url, "→", title)' -n - | sort | while read episode do url="$( echo ${episode} | awk -F '→' '{print $1}' )" ext="$( basename "${url}" )" title="$( echo ${episode} | awk -F '→' '{print $2}' | sed -e 's/[^A-Za-z0-9]/_/g' )" wget "${url}" -O "${download_dir}/${title}.${ext}" done


This is a response show to hpr3959 :: Download any HPR series with english file names "A dir with the series name will be created and all shows will be renamed to ShowTitle.mp3 inside it" This was the first show by gemlog and he used Bash, sed, grep, wget, to scrape the HPR site. This is great but as he points out any change to the site will break the script. A safer way to get the episodes is by scraping the rss feed, and the following is an example of how you might do that #!/bin/bash series_url="https://hackerpublicradio.org/hpr_mp3_rss.php?series=42&full=1&gomax=1" download_dir="./" wget "${series_url}" -O - | xmlstarlet sel -T -t -m 'rss/channel/item' -v 'concat(enclosure/@url, "→", title)' -n - | sort | while read episode do url="$( echo ${episode} | awk -F '→' '{print $1}' )" ext="$( basename "${url}" )" title="$( echo ${episode} | awk -F '→' '{print $2}' | sed -e 's/[^A-Za-z0-9]/_/g' )" wget "${url}" -O "${download_dir}/${title}.${ext}" done

Publishing date
2023-10-10 00:00
  ken.nospam@nospam.fallon.ie (Ken Fallon)