Because you want to make changes on a storage device, you are asked to enter your password. You can add your user to the group: disk to avoid this. who or whoami - my login-name id - more details groups - all your groups less /etc/group | grep disk - focus on disk Add an existing user to another group, like this: sudo usermod -aG disk LOGIN-NAME I saw my entry not immediately check it with: cat /etc/group Under releases you may find your preferred pre built binary, if not, I recommend this link
Because you want to make changes on a storage device, you are asked to enter your password. You can add your user to the group: disk to avoid this. who or whoami - my login-name id - more details groups - all your groups less /etc/group | grep disk - focus on disk Add an existing user to another group, like this: sudo usermod -aG disk LOGIN-NAME I saw my entry not immediately check it with: cat /etc/group Under releases you may find your preferred pre built binary, if not, I recommend this link