Taskmaster: The People's Podcast   /     Hot Dog! It's our Holiday Post Bag Special


This week we're emptying the People's Pod post bag and circling back to all the emails we couldn't get to this year - consider it a sort of holiday party but without the snacks!

In this episode we try to finish some unfinished business from series 18, receive some Hot Dog Queen fact-checking that could have changed series 15, get schooled in maths and even hear from the Andy's!

We continue our very merry lineup with special guests from now till New Year, so stick with us for The Taskmaster festive season.

And now that the inbox is emptied, we're ready to re-stock some emails, so send in your thoughts to fans@taskmaster.tv

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Taskmaster the Podcast is Produced and Edited by Christine Macdonald for Avalon Television