Taskmaster: The People's Podcast   /     More Likely to Swim With Wayne Rooney - S8, Ep8


It's a new week, a new series cast announcement, and also a new side-quest for Jack and Jenny: to find the last person in their Cheater of Cheaters lineup!

To find that person, they've watched Series 8, Episode 8 as recommended last week by Connor from Plymouth. They also give their initial thoughts about the Series 19 cast, and hear from listeners about which Taskmaster contestant they'd trust with their life.

Next week we'll be delving into Series 14, Episode 7.

Have a homework suggestion, a goof or a bloop or want to send in your predictions about series 19? Send it to fans@taskmaster.tv

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Taskmaster the Podcast is Produced and Edited by Christine Macdonald for Avalon Television