Blueprint for Living - Full program podcast   /     Cooking the books โ€” From the recipe tin to the bestseller list


Whether it is Nigella, Stephanie or Yotam on your shelf, there's a good chance that you and I are cooking from the same book. The two best-selling books in Australia in 2024 were both cookbooks โ€” and they were both written by Nagi Maehashi, the founder of the website RecipeTin Eats. Her two books โ€” Dinner and Tonight โ€” have together sold one million copies worldwide. So, what is it about the floury, greasy pages of a cookbook that unite us and shape our conceptions of food?


Whether it is Nigella, Stephanie or Yotam on your shelf, there's a good chance that you and I are cooking from the same book. The two best-selling books in Australia in 2024 were both cookbooks โ€” and they were both written by Nagi Maehashi, the founder of the website RecipeTin Eats. Her two books โ€” Dinner and Tonight โ€” have together sold one million copies worldwide. So, what is it about the floury, greasy pages of a cookbook that unite us and shape our conceptions of food?

Whether it is Nigella, Stephanie or Yotam on your shelf, there's a good chance that you and I are cooking from the same book. The two best-selling books in Australia in 2024 were both cookbooks โ€” and they were both written by Nagi Maehashi, the founde
Publishing date
2025-02-22 05:00
  Australian Broadcasting Corporation